explainer video
joblinge ag
motion design, animation lead, character animation
explainer video
joblinge ag
motion design, animation lead, character animation

This explainer video for Joblinge AG is about digital competence and how important it is to have a certain digital basic set of skills.
The audience is mainly all the young people around school graduation (early 20’s), searching for new opportunities for their future career life.
I did all the animations and motion design except the illustration work.
The illustrator graphics were provided by the Click&Clever agency.
The audience is mainly all the young people around school graduation (early 20’s), searching for new opportunities for their future career life.
I did all the animations and motion design except the illustration work.
The illustrator graphics were provided by the Click&Clever agency.
All animations were made in After Effects.
The illustrations were made in Adobe Illustrator.
The illustrations were made in Adobe Illustrator.

The concept is mainly about changes in form of a digitalization process in todays technology.
Products get replaced with new digital ones, smart life is everywhere and you need to adapt yourself to go with the state of the art.
The given illustration style is aiming for the young generation, funny proportions and small details, reduced to the main action - the smart phone.
Lovely textures for the shadows and back grounds.
To catch all that up I wanted a fresh and fast style for this modern message.
I added a particle system for the basic objects (circle and triangle) in the back ground, filling up some detail.
Most of the scenes are connected with streak animations flying by to suggest more movement.
The streaks fit to the illustration style and the basic shapes in the back ground - outlines and dashed outlines.
It was a lot of fun to work with the created graphics, I really liked the style from the beginning.
A little challenge was to animate the textured shadows of the characters and objects.
I converted the illustrator layers to shape layers and optimized them for a solid further work flow in after effects.
But I could not convert the shadow layers to shape layers, that were way too many single paths which would increase the preview and render time enormous.
I kept all shadow layers as illustrator layer and worked mainly with the puppet tool and a character rig plug-in.
Very interesting is the smoke dust effect of the hover board.
I did that with a particle system of simple, random size, none faded spheres, an adjustment layer with a strong fast blur and a levels effect.
I smoothed the edges of the particles with the blur to connect the spheres together.
After that I applied a levels effect only to the alpha channel and crushed the black and white together.
So the blurred particles geht sharp and edgy again, but they are still connect together cause of the blur effect behind.
With that effects on top of the particle animation and some wind and direction adjustments to the particles the animation looks like dust or smoke trails on the ground - perfect for our scene!
The wiggling snapchat flame was very simple to make but has a huge impact on the shot.
Very harmonic with the fast moving back ground and the flowing dust smoke particles.
The flames were made by keyframing the flame peak path for every flame layer separately.
Final adjustments to the effect were made with a turbulent displace on every frame layer.
I enjoy this scene a lot, as it delivers a nice haste - really fitting for todays smart phone life experience.
Products get replaced with new digital ones, smart life is everywhere and you need to adapt yourself to go with the state of the art.
The given illustration style is aiming for the young generation, funny proportions and small details, reduced to the main action - the smart phone.
Lovely textures for the shadows and back grounds.
To catch all that up I wanted a fresh and fast style for this modern message.
I added a particle system for the basic objects (circle and triangle) in the back ground, filling up some detail.
Most of the scenes are connected with streak animations flying by to suggest more movement.
The streaks fit to the illustration style and the basic shapes in the back ground - outlines and dashed outlines.
It was a lot of fun to work with the created graphics, I really liked the style from the beginning.
A little challenge was to animate the textured shadows of the characters and objects.
I converted the illustrator layers to shape layers and optimized them for a solid further work flow in after effects.
But I could not convert the shadow layers to shape layers, that were way too many single paths which would increase the preview and render time enormous.
I kept all shadow layers as illustrator layer and worked mainly with the puppet tool and a character rig plug-in.
Very interesting is the smoke dust effect of the hover board.
I did that with a particle system of simple, random size, none faded spheres, an adjustment layer with a strong fast blur and a levels effect.
I smoothed the edges of the particles with the blur to connect the spheres together.
After that I applied a levels effect only to the alpha channel and crushed the black and white together.
So the blurred particles geht sharp and edgy again, but they are still connect together cause of the blur effect behind.
With that effects on top of the particle animation and some wind and direction adjustments to the particles the animation looks like dust or smoke trails on the ground - perfect for our scene!
The wiggling snapchat flame was very simple to make but has a huge impact on the shot.
Very harmonic with the fast moving back ground and the flowing dust smoke particles.
The flames were made by keyframing the flame peak path for every flame layer separately.
Final adjustments to the effect were made with a turbulent displace on every frame layer.
I enjoy this scene a lot, as it delivers a nice haste - really fitting for todays smart phone life experience.